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after reduction中文是什么意思

用"after reduction"造句"after reduction"怎么读"after reduction" in a sentence


  • 复位后
  • 整复后
  • "after"中文翻译    adv. 在后;继后;后来。 follow after ...
  • "reduction"中文翻译    n. 1.缩小,减少;降级,降位;(刑罚等的)轻减;减速 ...
  • "combination of sentence after reduction" 中文翻译 :    先减后并
  • "reduction after combined sentence" 中文翻译 :    先并后减
  • "no reduction" 中文翻译 :    未降价; 无扣减
  • "reduction" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.缩小,减少;降级,降位;(刑罚等的)轻减;减速;减价,折扣。 2.(城市、国家等的)陷落,投降,被征服、变成 (to; into)。 3.破落,没落;【物理学】衰减。 4.类别;碎矿;提炼。 5.【数学】简化,约简,缩减;化归。 6.(测量结果的)整理,(代号等的)译解;【无线电】订正。 7.【化学】还原法,改格法;【摄影】减薄。 a 10% reduction 九折。 great reductions in prices 大减价。 the reduction of armaments 裁(减)军(备)。 ascending [descending] reduction 由小[大]单位改成大[小]单位的换算法。 reduction to absurdity=reductio ad absurdum.
  • "after" 中文翻译 :    adv. 在后;继后;后来。 follow after 跟着。 look before and after 瞻前顾后,前思后想。 soon after 不久。 three days after 三日后。 1.〔表示时间关系〕在…以后(opp. before); 〔美国〕(…点)过(…分)〔 = past〕。 2.〔位置地点〕在…后面 (opp. before)。 3.〔表示次第顺序〕位于…之后;(地位、规模、重要性等)次于;(仅)低于。 4.〔表示事件或时间的连续性〕紧挨着;(一个)接(一个);相继。 5.〔原因〕由于,因为;既然。 6.〔表示让步关系,介词受词前常冠以强义限定词 all〕虽然,尽管。 7.追求,寻找;追捕〔常与 be, go, run 等词连用〕。 8.仿照,模仿;依据…(而改写、命名等)。 9.符合,一致;(很)像。 10.关注,关照。 after four days 四天以后。 after supper 晚饭后。 after school 放学后。 It's twenty after six. 〔美国〕现在是六点二十分。 Shut the door after you when you leave the room. 离开房间时请随手关门。 A- you, please! 请您先走。 A- you! 您先走! 〔回答前一礼让语时的用语, you 应重读〕。 A- you with the paper, please. 您看过这报纸后给我看看。 the largest city after London 仅次于伦敦的一个大城市。 A colonel comes after a general. 上校的地位低于将军的地位。 Please line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。 day after day 一天又一天。 time after time 再三,常常。 She was very hungry after her long morning walk. 她因为早晨散步很久,所以感到饿得很。 I shall never speak to him after what has happened. 既然发生了这样的情况,我就永远不再跟他说话了。 A- all warnings, he persisted. 尽管有各方警告,他仍坚持到底。 A- all my care in packing it the clock arrived broken. 尽管我把这座时钟小心包装,可是运来时它还是被损坏了。 John is after you. 约翰在找你。 He is much run after. 他是众所欢迎的人。 I don't go after fame or money. 我不追名逐利。 The police ran after the burglars. 警察追捕窃贼。 long after home 怀念家乡。 hunt after novelty 猎奇。 He was named after his uncle. 他是依照叔父的名来命名的。 a play after Shakespeare 模仿莎士比亚的剧作编写成的剧本。 He takes after his mother. 他的长相和母亲一模一样。 You are a man after my heart. 你这人很合我的心意。 look after one's child 照料孩子。 Somebody asked after you this morning. 今天上午有人打听你来着。 after all 毕竟;终于(He succeeded after all. 他终于胜利了)。 be after doing 〔英方〕刚…了(I am after having my dinner. 我刚刚吃了晚饭)。 one after another 陆续,相继,挨次。 one after the other 轮流。 在…后。 He arrived after I did. 他在我到后就到了。 after all is said and done 终归。 adj. 后,后来的;后面的。 the after results 后果。 in after years 在后来的年月里。 in after life 晚年。 n. 〔英俚〕正餐的最后一道食品(如点心、水果等)。
  • "after that" 中文翻译 :    从这以后(用一般现在时); 然后; 随之而后; 在那之后; 自那以后
  • "be after" 中文翻译 :    寻找,寻求; 追赶, 寻找
  • "be after a" 中文翻译 :    想得到a); 追求
  • "in after in" 中文翻译 :    指在一段时间之后
  • "on and after" 中文翻译 :    自...起, ...以后
  • "breast reduction reduction mammaplasty" 中文翻译 :    巨乳缩小手术
  • "reduction to centre; reduction of centre" 中文翻译 :    归心计算
  • "see after = look after" 中文翻译 :    照顾,寻求
  • "a reduction in numbers" 中文翻译 :    数字的减小
  • "a reduction in price" 中文翻译 :    价格降低此处
  • "abbau reduction" 中文翻译 :    缩鞋降低
  • "abrasive reduction" 中文翻译 :    磨薄
  • "accurate reduction" 中文翻译 :    对合严密
  • "acetylene reduction" 中文翻译 :    乙炔还原作用
  • "achieve reduction" 中文翻译 :    达到复位
  • "acid reduction" 中文翻译 :    酸性还原作用
  • "acoustic reduction" 中文翻译 :    声衰减
  • "aggregate reduction" 中文翻译 :    总减少


  • The effects are reversible after reduction of oxygen pressure
  • Water quality - determination of nitrogen - catalytic digestion after reduction with devarda ' s alloy
  • I determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys - gravimetric method after reduction with mercury chloride
  • Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys . gravimetric method after reduction with mercury chloride
  • Phosphoric acid for industrial use . determination of higher soluble sulfate contents . titrimetric method after reduction
  • Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys - gravimetric method after reduction with mercury chloride iso 11489 : 1995 ; german version en iso 11489 : 1995
  • Manganese ores and concentrates . determination of total iron content . titrimetric method after reduction and sulfosalicylic acid spectrophotometric method
  • German standard methods for the examination of water , waste water and sludge ; parameters characterizing effects and substances group h ; determination of bound nitrogen after reduction with devarda ' s alloy and catalytic digestion
  • After reduction , the effective numerical method is adopted to explore the response and stability information of the system , and the state of motion and type of the bifurcation are analyzed by floquet theory
  • So the impact of radiation apparatus changes on solar radiation series is not obvious in the early 1990s . then the homogeneity reduction is carried out with regressive method . after reduction , the mean annual correlation coefficient between the solar radiation and the sunshine rise higher . but the spatial distribution of a , b coefficient changes little
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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